Basic seminar intuition

You want to strengthen your intuition and make strong decisions even under time pressure and stress?
The basic seminar Intuition by Königsplan shows you how to combine ration and intuition in business.
- We also show you how to activate your inner resources and find creative ideas.
- Discover the benefits of the basic seminar intuition now
- Or contact us now without obligation.
Always A Move Ahead – The Chess Grandmasters’ Strategies For Decision-makers
The Art Of Changing Your Perspective – Reason And Intuition In Business
This interactive basic seminar provides the participants with a compact and universal strategy model.
It contains a whole arsenal of powerful planning and decision-making tools for practical use.
We put special emphasis on joining reason and intuition in the plan-finding and decision-making process. Very importantly, we also focus on deliberately changing perspectives, both in social interactions and in order to solve problems strategically.
We are happy to provide you with a detailed programme with all the details on the seminar on request.
In-house seminars at your company can be flexibly tailored to your specific wishes and needs.
What You Learn In This Seminar:
- How to activate inner resources
- How to gain clarity under time pressure
- How to see through the eyes of others and understand their motives
- How to create a structure and avoid planning mistakes
- How to harmonise intuition and reason
- How to generate powerful goals
- How to think from the end to find new solutions
- How to deal with setbacks and draw energy from successes
Duration of the seminar day: From 10:00 – 17:00 in the centrally located premises of the Munich Chess Academy: Zweibrückenstraße 8/Rgb. (A4) 80331 Munich
Registration and information: Phone (089) 95 89 43 30 or
Registration deadline: One week before the start of each seminar
Investment: 690 Euro plus VAT for a compact training day including seminar documents, a signed book “Königsplan” as well as drinks, coffee and snacks.
From a number of participants of four persons of the same company a discount of 20% is possible. Individual appointments can also be arranged if there are six or more participants from the same company.
In-house seminars at your company can be flexibly adapted to your specific wishes and requirements.